Re: [ Creed Discuss ] Stapp's personal life-stay out of it

From: "Megan" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Thu
9 Jan 2003 07:27:50 -0800 (PST)

It is not my intention to "press my beliefs" onto ANYONE.  Am I not allowed to state my own opinions based on what other list members write?  I am not irresponsible about it, either.  I did so at the risk of angering other list members, but I am understanding and open-minded enough to accept any reactions to my message posts.  Therefore, isn't it MY responsibilty and choice of whether or not to post something that others might not agree with?  I accept that you all have your own lifestyles, opinions, etcetera, but I expect everyone else to extend to me the same courtesy.  I have no intentions of trying to change anyone's behavior.  I wrote the post to see what other list members thought, and that's exactly what happened.  I said what I thought, you all said what you thought about what I said.  That's how a discussion works.  So what exactly is the problem?  I'm not upset, and I feel terrible if anyone else is because that is not the point of a discussion.


P.S. And by asking questions like, "How would you feel?," I'm just asking people to think about it, or to respond sincerely if they so choose.  Again, I don't see a problem. wrote:


I think you need to stop trying to press your beliefs onto everyone else. We all have our reasons for doing things the way that we do them.


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